持続可能な社会の実現は教育の大きなテーマの一つです。しかし、そのことを「心」で感じることができる人づくりが根底になくてはならないと考えます。 SpiritualやHealingなどの言葉で表されるハワイ。そのハワイに心の平和をテーマにした農園・芸術の村があります。この村からハワイでの学びの体験を始めるとハワイでの学びが大きく変化するはずです。LbE HawaiiはMouna Farm Arts & Culture Villageと協同で様々な学びの機会を提供致します。

My name is Sooriya. I was born on the island of Sri Lanka and have been living in Hawaii for more than 23 years. Also, I have traveled all around the world - Himalayas, India, hitchhiked across Persia, Afghanistan, Turkey, all over Europe.
As for Mouna Farm Arts & Cultural Village, the word "Mouna," means "inner silence." We all look for that silence - peace within ourself. The ultimate vision of this farm is to unite - coming together and connecting with everyone as one. It is the only way we can make a change by forming this strong connection. Many hands put together can make the world a better place.
Mouna Farm is an organic farm; an artist's village. The farm is maintained and run with our heart. Nature is everything - a part of us. When we take care of nature, our mother Earth, the nature will take care of us. We must learn to take care of the nature and pass on this practice to our children - our future. Plants are made out of 5 elements: so are we - we are made of those elements so we are all one together. To create peace and harmony of oneself, we help each other, love each other. We are all one family. This is the only way - by sharing, giving, loving, learning, coming together. That is Mouna Farm.
We learn more by doing and feeling. At Mouna Farm - by coming, working, experiencing, interconnecting with other people, connecting with nature, students can learn so much.
As for Mouna Farm Arts & Cultural Village, the word "Mouna," means "inner silence." We all look for that silence - peace within ourself. The ultimate vision of this farm is to unite - coming together and connecting with everyone as one. It is the only way we can make a change by forming this strong connection. Many hands put together can make the world a better place.
Mouna Farm is an organic farm; an artist's village. The farm is maintained and run with our heart. Nature is everything - a part of us. When we take care of nature, our mother Earth, the nature will take care of us. We must learn to take care of the nature and pass on this practice to our children - our future. Plants are made out of 5 elements: so are we - we are made of those elements so we are all one together. To create peace and harmony of oneself, we help each other, love each other. We are all one family. This is the only way - by sharing, giving, loving, learning, coming together. That is Mouna Farm.
We learn more by doing and feeling. At Mouna Farm - by coming, working, experiencing, interconnecting with other people, connecting with nature, students can learn so much.
EMAIL: [email protected] PHONE: (808) 524-8416 (808) 393-7683 LOCATION: 85-485A Waianae Valley Road Waianae, Hawaii 96792-4820 |